85% of marketers prefer influencer marketing , a segment with $23 bn potential


Influencer marketing involves a brand collaborating with an online influencer to market one of its products or services.Typically, influencers getting endorsed are individuals with a large, highly engaged community of social media followers.

Influencers may be high-profile personalities who are already famous in their own right. Alternatively, it could be a regular person who has established a large audience online from scratch.

There are four main different types of social media influencers, which can be defined by follower count:Nano Influencers – 1-10k followers.Micro Influencers – 10-100k followers.Macro Influencers – 100k-1 Million followers.Mega Influencers – 1 Million plus followers.

Research shows that one-third of consumers do not trust traditional advertising and will refuse to follow or engage with your brand online. Influencers give you access to their niche audience in a relaxed and relevant way. Influencers have built their own audience who trust in their thoughts and opinions.

But with great power comes great responsibility, and navigating the influencer terrain can be tricky.

3Rs is the bedrock for any marketing and it is so for influencer marketing strategy actually it is more so here.

They are,

relevance, reach, and resonance

Finally, s

ocial media success is found in three C’s: communication, connection, and conversion.

The influencer wave started a few years back and is gaining momentum. Everybody wants to be an influencer, but they miss one point: i.e. content relevance and quality.

Being an influencer is about more than posting quality content. Connecting with your audience is important too. While you can respond to comments, additional engagement measures include hosting an “ask me anything” Q&A or giveaways and contests.

Cultivating trust and authenticity is central to the success of Indian influencer marketing endeavors. As audiences increasingly scrutinize sponsored content, establishing genuine connections with influencers becomes crucial. Brands must carefully select partners that authentically resonate with their values and target demographics while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

How to become an influencer: Well identify your niche, which is essentially an area you specialize in.

Get to know your audience, explore your content strategy and post unique content on a regular basis.

And influencers who have a long-term exclusive partnership with a certain brand, are called

brand ambassadors. Sometimes, influencers are also called leaders, bellwethers, motivators, inspirers, trendsetters, fashionistas, or celebrities.

Who uses social media influencers?

Many brands use social media influencers to authentically promote their product or service. Big-name companies like Adidas, Pepsi, Dunkin Donuts, and Motorola use influencer marketing to reach their target audience. Even small companies and startups with limited budgets partner with influencers as a more authentic form of advertising.

And keep in mind that social media influencer and a social media marketer are two different roles.

With social media marketing, brands post directly to their social channels. This allows them to control content and engage with customers.

With influencer marketing, the influencer posts content and interacts with customers on behalf of a brand. An influencer serves as an intermediary between a brand and customers.

An industry survey shows 85% of marketers consider influencer marketing effective, with expected growth to reach an estimated market size of $23 bn in 2024, these staggering figure will make you understand that why brands invest in influencer marketing.

As you consider a career as a social media influencer, you can also explore online certificates on Coursera that can improve your marketing knowledge.

For example, the Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate offers in-demand skills in a self-paced course designed to help you gain the skills you need to pursue a digital marketing career.

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